Sunday, May 16, 2010

Feelings ♥

aloha peeps im back! one week never touch my blog because my life nothing changes, still the same freaking bored. just like people said me 'You Got No Life'. hell yeah! i found out my life is lack of laughter since the day.
what i did in this whole week? actually nothing special. i can't find something not so lifeless to do -.- every night i slept earlier and woke at midnight do nothing. im just don't know why i've change my life time. i need a talk but i don't know who to talk to. i guess no one of you know through my heart. maybe that's my style since i came out from this world. 'You Never Ask, I Never Tell', this will forever keep it, never ever change my style. i'm just don't know how to describe my feelings right now, i can't even smile all the time. yes although im smile and talk joke but my brain still think about others, the smile of me just like fake. everything also seems like fake! i'm tired of all this.

有时候我很羡慕其他人,为什么他们的生活那么完美? 为什么他们的生活上不会遇到某些挫折? 当我看见他们我的脑里会自然出现很多个为什么. 为什么我不能和他们一样? 当我得到那时也不一定长久,这些事每次都会反反覆覆出现在我生活里,为何总是我? 我已受够了,那种感觉是很痛很辛苦. 为何这些事不能永远理我远去?

每個人的感情都是自私的, 感情对很多人來说都是不停止的伤痛. 可是我一旦遇上了此中还是必须面对. 走了难免会不舍得,尤其是被痛的. 用真心付出也不一定得到好的回报. 每晚一定会很自然地回想一切, '如果' '就好'也就会不断出现. 我老是想不通为何? 去回之前走过的地方已留下美好影子, 经过之前做过的东西也留下难以忘记的影子. 叫我不想是不可能的事. 人家时常说走了就走了,眼泪换来也留不住. 虽然我没那个意思要用眼泪换取我要的东西,可是我还是不能接受这句话.

真心的人用真心换取真正的幸福, 无心的人拿无心夺取一时的快乐

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