Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Mid-Autumm Festival ♥

Happy Mid-Autumm Festival to everyone. this year as usual headed to my grandparent's house to celebrate. every festival we will celebrate all together at my mum's side, yes we did :D
all the way was freaking jam especially at Federal Highway and SS2. Gossh my dad keep on nagged inside car. here's the pic of the night (:

not forget to pray before we ate (:

kids was playing lantern and candles (:

pic with the pretty Moon (:

me in solo (: been snap by my aunty -.-

after that we had a chill at 3rd floor. we played around scream around and laugh around. its happiest time been with them (:

they are my cousin sis and bro still got somemore not here. don't spot at their face because they are acting cool for the so-call drama pic -.-they are playing 'what the hell' LOLphotographer of that night. left one the abnormal aunty and the right one normal my cousin sis (:

end of our celebration around 12am, home sweet home at 1am because of the fucking jam!

parents at front quarrel-ing and im at behind dulan-ing. can't stand of their noise wtf! the next day im like a dead fish because lack of sleep LOL. more pic will be upload at facebook (:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day Out ♥

yo peeps! had a great day with PeiJin of today. know why? today was my first time drove to Pavilion. *don't laugh at me please* all the way to there we are quite gan jeong because im just agak agak follow the signboard to our destination. as she know, im a dangerous driver too because i totally spoil the rules of drive. am like a road killer! Gooshh luckily there was no police around and still early or else i might be kena 99 LOL! okay skip this. at last we are safety arrived Pavilion. Amitofo :D
first we headed to GSC queue up for movie ticket. kat toilet before we after that shop around since we are freaking long time never went there. Forever 21. i bought a basic Top at there. *Yeah* Ohmy sexy back! lols
by waiting the 'mo jie' at the fitting room.
after shop we are sitting somewhere by waiting for the movie start. here's some pic of us!
DIA! movie of today. Devil. quite scary for me only lols. but there is some part had frighten me too O.o movie ended around 2pm. after movie had a look at downstairs, i don't know what the hell was that function goes on LOL.
we solo again xD! walked around had our lunch at Wong Kok (: here's some pic again!this sakai wasted foods again! shop! end of the pic! home sweet home around 5pm. end of my weekends too :(
more picture will be upload on facebook (:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Movie Day ♥

its just a short update for today. im just came back from Leisure Mall @ Cheras. im freaking long time din't went there already. its like almost N years LOL. im serious because that shopping mall doesn't suitable me -.- everything like so 'lao beh' hahaha! i've been date by Jeff on last night, at first plan to watch Piranha 3D, because of ticket sold out then we force to watch others.
before the movie start they had their lunch Mcd. they wasted foods! french fries din't finish all because we are late for movie!
this two are his friends and also my 'new friends' lol. yesh i like to snap pic when they din't realize me (:
movie of just now! King Of Fighters.
i don't know what this shit does the movie talk about. lol movie from beginning fight until end wtf! i dislike this kind of movie! im gonna fall asleep in the cinema :S plus i watched with 2 more mah latt lou LOL! movie ended around 3pm and im home sweet home in freaking early! HAHAHA!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

One Day Trip ♥

had a great trip with my cousins. we headed to Sepang Godcoast on yesterday. im quite excited because was my first time to there (: let's see the picture do the talk.
by waiting for everyone at petrol station @ Puchong. we headed at around 9pm. on the way.. ofcourse i wont be forget to took some pic (: when on the way was raining, i damn worry it will spoil our trip. but at last really thanks to god, rain stop! around 10am we are arrived, they are just too high when step on the beach XD! picture with muai cousins ♥ me 'solo' ♥ time for lunch and rest! was my first time to played KITE! lol MY FIRST TIME! the pro twins jumper! not to forget intro you guys, this is one of my crazy aunty :Daround 3pm we are get ready to clean up and went to bath. i choose to stand behind too because my slipper full of sands!after done headed back... we are headed to had our dinner Shabu-Shabu at Kuchai Lama which mean its my secondary school life area! (: 4 of us in one table :Dend up our trip around 6pm. we are freaking tired especially me! body muscle is so damn pain and tired now :S for more picture i've upload on facebook, do take a look at there.
end up with this pic! im waiting for our next trip on Deepavali (: