Friday, February 25, 2011

安息啦 ♥

这篇文章就让我回顾一下,以后还能读起和想起这个回忆。星期三晚放工就直接去到大舅的家也就是太婆之前的家。所有人已在拜拜而我们这家才刚到。迟到好过没到!那一幕让我想回所有人两眼红红,泪流满脸。唉~ 半夜才回家。第二晚心情还好些,最另类的一个拜法让我们跑得满身汗,而且还大声大叫大笑大喊大闹!抢钱抢米时刻最搞笑,她们抢得有够夸张的!当晚我们就直接在那里过夜啦,因为三更半夜才拜完。最后一天七早八早就起身准备送殡了,好不舍得,大家又哭了起来。我永远不会忘记这一天。大家送了她最后一程,从她家走到大路口才上巴士。去到那里火葬场最难熬的时刻也要面对,就算怎么叫怎么哭她也不会再回来 :( 安息吧太婆,我们永远想你。"beh cheh" 我们这家才听得懂语言来自她的口中 (: 回到去一个字形容累!
别好奇为何我们全都穿红衣 (;
所有一切在12点多就完成了,享用麦当劳为午餐!驾车没带IC和License的表哥有够大胆,妈的安全带也不绑的人,一流!我们就在Centre Point购买,还不赖可是很塞车!
午餐过后会各自回家啦,一冲好凉头发还没干就直接睡着了,实在太累而且不够睡。旁晚大家又一起吃晚餐, 地点是Pantai Seafood Restaurant, Kg. Sungai Kayu Ara.
晚餐过后还到外婆家做一下才回家,今天回到工作岗位,文件满个桌子都是!*晕* 到现在我都还没解决好,拖得就托,我这个人做工就是这样,总之到时要用到的时候我一定把它完成的 (:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


took this during CNY, the latest and also the last pic. she already leave us.
R.I.P our greatgrandmother we will always miss you! just can't stop our tears while we looking at her pic. once again, rest in peace

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Second Post ♥

Hii guys, new updates again! how are you guys? although i can't even completely forget everything you had speak to me before but i'm still doing fine besides it. okay, it sounds so wrong i had a bad times with you. suck yea! the previous CNY post were all written in Mandarin, the reason why i've been starting to blog in Mandarin its because somehow i feel that it is much more easier for me to express my feelings and thoughts in my Mandarin posts. sometimes i choose to post in english is because i'm lazy to pronounce the words, chinese words getting suck too :/
so yea my work life is doing fine too. if i'm not mistaken next month 1st of March, my department will hire a new colleague, too bad is malay. yewww~ actually since i mix more with those malay colleague, i feel that i'm getting more understand about their malay life because i always ask them many question that i curious to know the answer! they will explain clearly to me as well, not bad kan? (: although work life can't use to compare with school life, BUT I'M STILL PREFER SCHOOL LIFE LAH!
Friday night went to Midvalley catch out a movie that i wanted to watch very long! finally i get to watch it of that night.
all the HongKong's actors almost same like last year 72 Tenants of Prosperity, but i can't rate which is better. because its still the best!
Saturday as usual grandpa house again, actually is quite bored besides talking with my aunty and uncle, nothing to do no more gamble! and yesterday Sunday, i spent my whole day been my mum's driver -.- my face was so naked on that day. ohmygawd! first headed to a badminton court to wait for my cousins at Bandar Puteri.
after lunch at 阿顺鱼头米 at Puchong too. paiseh already finish everything only snap this pic lol
fetched her around here and there. from Puchong to PJ, from PJ to somewhere else and so on back to Puchong again. ohmygawd its because of something happen with my grandparents. hope she will get well as soon (:
mood is freaking bad on every Monday, because everything turn to beginning lol. and so happen receive a bad news from cousins, my greatgrandmother passed away :( i will blog about her after settle down everything.
so yea today i went to Imigresen at Shah Alam, is so damn sucks! workers over there sucks, no manners and etc. i don't know why have to shift to Shah Alam! damn! i went from 9am until 3am only back to office -.- what a tiring day and weather hot like heck. anyway as long as i done my stuff before i on leave. uhmm end of my post here, stay tunned!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

十一之情人节 ♥

Wheeee it's my first year celebrate Valentine's Day with my cousins. i wanna mention is my mum's side cousins! how great is it? no matter any special day we sure plan a date to celebrate together, such as Deepavali, Hari Raya and etc. i'm glad to have this bunch of cousins in my life :D
we're gambling overall! i won more than lose of the night. nice one!
man and woman chilling there!
kids, boys and girls
man and woman :D
the cake that i made for valentines! teehee!

你来得很突然也走得很突然, 我不知道为什么
不再去想了 ...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Life ♥

HEYYYOOOO my peeps! the look of my first day of work :D
i guess everyone is back to work and school, i definately understand the feeling of first day step into our hell life LOL! not in mood, unhappy, lazy and etc, included me :( let me talk about mine, first day most of the chinese colleague still on leave but me? back to work, well i'm too hard work! *paiseh* boss gave us an angpau, inside not much but there is a meaning of how much that he gave. i don't care this, as long as i get it on the first day. besides boss, other colleague gave me too. who ask i'm the youngest worker over there? HAHA! night time watched a movie at Midvalley.
movie of the night 最强喜事
i know the story will be super duper funny, that's why i choose to watch it! after movie rushed to went back to picked my mum and the drunker dad at cousin's house -.- after the coming days goes like usual, nothing special but i'm still get few angpau from my neighbour teehee! friday night went to aunty's house, no gamble of the night but felt that the time goes fast! saturday as usual went to grandpa house. still getting few angpaus again ngek! gamble of last night lose few dollars, it's okay. nobody cares :D
it's sunday right now, CNY gonna end on the coming Thursday. how the freaking fast man! so yeah, as you guys know that tomorrow is Valentine's Day, I'M ALONE PEOPLE!! this year i'm gonna spend these day with cousin. i'm jealous people who're celebrate it with their beloved Sigh! who wants to be my Valentine? *kidding*
anyway wish every couples Happy Valentine's Day and people who're single like me Happy Single Valentine's Day, create by me LOL!
time to sleep, goodnight! :D

Saturday, February 5, 2011

初一至初四 ♥

恭祝大家新年快乐,一转眼又是一年了!有多快的,我就快20岁拉,我接受不到咯 -.- 在此时新年我就用华语更新我的部落格。大年除夕少不了吃团圆饭嘛,人生最大的福气就是能够和自己的家人团聚在一起吃团圆饭,我也不例外呢。吃过了团圆饭,晚上就过去外婆家接财神,可是财神还没接到我们已回家了呵呵,我们有够累嗒,看我这张照片就懂了。


今年我的装扮有些成熟,自己觉得自己不错下呵呵。初一的早上至下午我是很很很很鬼闷! 四个字形容 '无话可说' ! 表哥的家邀请舞狮舞龙,

回我妈的家乡!这天才是我最兴奋的,理由不必说因为每个星期六都见到他们,我们的废话就像永远都说不完哈哈!下午就到老人院探望我外婆的妈妈,我称她为太婆。她已差不多100岁啦,希望她身体健康 (: 这就是我们的大合照,容纳了4个家人!还有些没到。
这是我的表哥姐妹和弟 (:
运气不太好,就算赢回来也输回去,听说属羊的我今年运气不佳,要多加小心!输到我没心情啦,去参他们小朋友玩爆竹 -.-


走好运啦,我和隔壁那家都夺得double HAHAHA!