Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm Free ♥

this was the first time i chat on msn when working
normally i'm just log on friendster
because the head went back at around 4pm leave me one people
sit on her place online until i go home
few hours appear offline only chat with XiaoShi
now i'm regret to curl my hair again ><
back side looks so ugly
MDFK! zz

happy birthday to HANTU SIS aka May Teng
nahh i'm wish you here
don't always say me bad and bully you please -.-

Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm Bored ♥

eirh fucking bored tonight
those who i wanna chat with never online
yesterday i was late online but all of you are there
keep on finding me chat somemore
what the hell you all -.-
i'm gonna sleep now
prepare breakfast for my own tomorrow ><
kesian,, zz

Sunday, March 29, 2009

To Bitchie ♥

after yesterday night my heart feel damn syok ^^
know what's the reason ?
still remember the bitch who hurt me deeply before trial and spm ?
yea is HIM IS HIM,, that stupid bitchIE banana
receive his called in midnight
told me that he wanna retake spm blabla etc.
okay i listen he crap
after awhile i keep on zat him scold him useless stupid
walaoo what also come out from my mouth =.=
at first he tahan i stop awhile after that again lagi
i 'zat' until i don't know wheather he angry or boh song
actually i felt abit scare bt my heart was happy,, LOL weird?
first time let guys cut the phone
anyway i'm happy ^^ hohoho

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Turn Your Light OFF! ♥

did you all turn your light off just now ?
i guess some of them NO include me because i at my grandpa house hahaa
walk upside 3rd floor to have a KL look
once 8.30p.m i saw KL tower include klcc too started to turn off da light
eirh my sakai relatives shout like hell looks like new year countdown -.-
and andddd
today went to salon curl my hair again
haahaa,, looks damn mature o.O

Friday, March 27, 2009

Support Earth Hourt ♥

urges everyone to support the earth hourt
tomorrow night please turn your lights off for 1hour from 8.30 - 9.30p.m.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Friend Is Funny ♥

before going to work ((:
i had been working for almost 2 months plus at there
time pass really da fast ><
still remember the first day i cried when having dinner
until now i already biasa on da job
i know a lot foreign who working in the company
seriously quite funny when communicate with them,, hahaaa!
because you all should know their malay is cacat xD
make me always laugh big when they phone me to ask for open delivery order
eirh i'm so bad but they laughing too what :D
this is what did i do on yesterday and today
yea i know that my table is messy seems like doing art in school -.-
but i'm not okay,, loL
i'm using 2 tables to do my stuff -.-

eih bitch please stop sending those rubbish sms to me
everytime you send i didn't read at all
straight away delete,, yea i'm bad so what ? ><

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Driving Skill Had Improve ♥

hey everyone my driving skill had improve
but my mum keep on ask me drive slowly so fast
she say me drive like main main -.-
i say : eih aunty i'm young people lar if not drive like your father so slow ah,, lolz
she say ya =.=
at night fetch my parents out without license to bought something (:
quite scare got police block on roadside lol
my driving lesson left back 4 hours have to practise at Bangi
yea tonight i have chat with him
hahahaa i know you know fatt wen

Monday, March 23, 2009

Weird Language ♥

just now i have receive a new software from sei yeh
the software is about edit picture
don't know what the fucking chinese is that
i don't really understand it and make me so confuse
you stop laughing me jibai
bising lagi send you back my Bangla -.-
and told you so far i will improve that sakai chinese
anyway why you didn't online tonight
how i tell you about that story leh ><

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Boring ♥

i'm boring tonight
msn got a lot people online
but all seems like stranger i don't know who are them
all like add me as fun -.-
boring boring boring!! issshhh
don't feel like to sleep early later ><

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Went Out ♥

today had my drive lesson after work,, reach home straight away online because sister not at home,, yeah* chat with my Prince Ivan,, lolz! last minutes ask me after the lesson wanna hang out anot,, yea good idea i got think to out too ((: blablabla spend half an hour to chat about where to go and how i back,, since he said fetch me back i no problem larh sure xp

weather is super HOTT but i'm still practising under the sun,, kesian me >< after this around 5pm rush to Midvalley by taxi alone,, yerh~ saw him buying ticket and i act haven't reach yet,, so fun hor -.- movie was nice last minutes only decide to watch ''DragonBall'',, movie was end i bring him to Prince Cafe have our dinner (: yerh he keep mention about my fish* and sad* stuff,, babi you !!

after dinner around 8pm i think,, walk awhile at outside midvalley then balik ke car park to take his car,, ask me what car does he drive out today,, once i point then Bingo,, wahaha how pro am i !! he yerh =.= while he driving listen to my Beloved song yeah^^ oshh forgot to snap a pic with him ><

fetch me back to my grandparents house,, OMgz let all my cousins saw it,, they all ask banyak about him,, i feel malu -.- who is the guy? blablabla? >< i guess he still at outside,, ask me to watch him play football at Rawang after this,, you think i don't want but i promise my mum balik grandpa house lerh

don't know why i'm not shy to met him,, i treat him like so open minded same with my kakis o.O

Tagged by Myself ♥

since i'm still haven't sleep yet, i wanna play this tagged ((:
copy from someone's profile

001. Real Name /** lim pei kee
002. Nickname /** piggie ):
003. Age /** still 17
004. Horoscope /** cancer
005. Male or Female /** female
006. Elementary /** i forgot ><
007. Middle School /** sjkc kwong hon
008. High School /** smk sri sentosa
009. College School /** haven't start yet
010. Hair colour /** black mix little brown (:
012. Loud or Quiet /** sure Loud, quiet not suitable me xD
013. Sweats or Jeans /** jeans
014. Phone or Camera /** phone
015. Health Freak /** no ofcourse
016. Drink or Smoke /** drink,, i hate smoker
017. Do you have a crush on someone /** yea? heehee
018. Eat or Drink /** EAT!
019. Piercings /** 2 pierce in both side
020. Tattoos /** eirhh don't really like it
021. Social or Anti-Social /** social
022. Righty or lefty /** right

First ♥
023. First piercing /** standard 2
024. First relationship /** form 4? if i'm not mistaken
025. First Best Friend /** lee wei han [ lost contact with her ]
026. First Award /** tak tau lah -.-
027. First Kiss /** still here ((:
028. First Pet /** i dislike pet
029. First Big Vacation /** Singapore
030. First Love at first sight /** form 4
031. First Big Birthday /** i forgot
032. First Surgery /** i forgot
033. First sport you joined /** basketball

This or That ♥
034. Orange or Apple juice /** orange juice
035. Rock or Rap /** both.
036. Country or Screamo /** country
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys /** basckstreet boys (:
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera /** britney spears
039. Night or Day /** night \
040. Sun or Mood /** moon ihatesun
041. TV or Internet /** forsure Internet
042. Playstation or xbox /** PS
043. Kiss or hug /** hug feel so warm (:
044. Iguana or turtle /** can i don't choose? -.-
045. Spider or bee /** i hate both of it
046. Fall or spring /** spring
047. Limewire or iTunes /** iTunes
048. Soccer or baseball /** i wanna try basecall

Currently ♥
049. Eating /** nope.
050. Drinking /** chinese tea
051. Excitement level /** don't know
052. I'm about to /** wanna hang out!
053. Listening to /** 我的回忆不是我的
054. Plan for today /** rest enough yesterday ady out
055. Energy Level /** full?
057. Thinking of someone /** yaya,, XD

058. Want kids? /** ofcourse want
059. Want to get married? /** yes sure
060. When? /** wait until our relationship stable first
061. How many kids do you want /** maximum 3
062. Any name on the mind /** huh?!
063. What did you want to be when you were little? /** don't know
064. Careers in mind /** thinking thinking
065. Mellow future or wild /** don't know
066. Something you would never try /**
067. When do you want to die? /** i don't hope to die,, every year 18 xD

Which is the better in the boy/girl you like [in the furture] ♥
068. Lips or Eyes /** eyes
069. Romantic or Funny? /** i want both!
070. Shorter or Taller? /** taller than me please
071. Protective or Caring? /** both both!
072. Romantic or Spontaneous? /** romantic (:
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms? /** nice arms
074. Sensitive or Loud? /** don't know
075. Hook-up or Relationship? /** relationship
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant? /** nope
077. Muscular or normal /** both got half means normal larh

Have You Ever ♥
078. Kissed a stranger /** NO.
079. Broken a bone /** nope.
080. Lost glasses or contacts /** nope.

081. Ran away from home /** i love my house never think of this before
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence /** no.
083. Killed somebody /** silly question,, sure NO.]
084. Broken someone's heart /** yup.
085. Had your heart broken /** yup.
086. Been arrested /** apa ni?
087. Cried when someone died /** no.
088. Liked a friend more than a friend /** don't know.

Do You Believe In ♥
089. Yourself /** yea but not always
090. Miracles /** seems like it won't happen on me ):
091. Love at first sight /** i trust it
092. Heaven /** yup.
093. Santa Claus /** ya? no?
094. Tooth Fairy /** no.
095. Kiss in the first date /** no.
096. Angels /** yup.

Answer truthfully ♥
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now? /** i hope so
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now? /** yup except work
099. Do you believe in God? /** depends
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people /** i'm lazy sorry xD

Friday, March 20, 2009

iheartyou? ♥

i wish i'm not the person who you like
just now i have view ur blog
accidently i saw my nickname inside o.O
day by day sms i feel so enjoy and funny
no matter lunch time, dinner, when i going home will receive one of your message
such a silly guys i like it
but i think you're not my cup of tea ?!
since the day you scold out all the bad words when talking on phone with me
i know you're angry about your mum but don't need. . . . . i know you know
you've frighten me after that night
and i'm here to sorry the whole week i never reply your message
and didn't picked up your call
the reason is i felt scared of you
now i think i'm just treat you as the best best buddies in my friend list ?
yea i think so
why i can't comfirm you're just my friend
why must i think i think ?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Forever friends ♥

i'm so bored right now
start from now my msn turn to be silent again
boring my friends i need you all beside me
last night after online phone to Silly
haha she felt surprise that i phone her,, yay yay**
talk almost one an hour then i have to sleep
aihs mm seh dak luckily her tears never falls out ):
and Lavi too,, take care you both
and and you all too larh,, lazy to list out who are them -.-
meet you guys after 3months

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Miss You Guys ♥

seriously i got nothing to post now
everyday doing the same thing
impossible i list out what did i do in the whole day right
it was lame -.-
view back my previous post
haha it was happy, hurt, sad, funny, giler ((:
i miss my school life with a bunch of sakai friends
aihsss between
tomorrow my kakis gonna leave me here
my Silly i will pull few buddies come to visit you with me on weekends xD
later gonna phone you to chat chat
end of my post here
(((: CHAOZ

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

L-O-V-E ♥

with YOU ....
i have found the someone that makes me feel good
i have joy and happiness in my heart
with YOU .....
i have found the strength to be strong
and the comfort i need to go on
with YOU ...
i feel safe and at home
yet I feel like i have the freedom
to grow and still be me
with YOU ...
i have found the meaning of LOVE
the desire to be whole and the ability
to give of myself to others

Monday, March 16, 2009

喜欢与爱 ♥

就是淡淡的 却是深深的

一个人你会很想见到 刚道别又会想要再见面

一个人你会很在意对方的一举一动 会情不自禁的多望一眼

一个人你会想几时可以再见到 但你从不会想对方是不是想见你

而当你真真上一个人 你开始懂得站在对方的立场来考虑每件事

你做的每件事情都会顾虑到对方的感受 当你真正上一个人

你已经知道没什么事能比的快乐来得重要 当你真正上一个人时

你开始懂得珍惜你所拥有的 追求你所没有的

当你真正上一个人 你会明白什么叫放手

你不会再固执 埋怨和纠缠


的最大分别是一个人你会想想现在 而一个人你会想到以后


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Feels Like Moodless ♥

4 days more
my dearest kakiS gonna leave me
sad case for me
maybe i will less hang out in this 3 months ?
less activity ?
less less less ?
keep on thinking about it
now i found that a people really can't do something without friends
no fun no happy ):

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sorry ♥

had my driving test today
first experience drive when raining heavily o.O
well i'm not scare at all,, haahaa
seems like my driving skill already improve ^^
yesterday think to out with a friend after this
but morning told him i'm not going
aihhs put his aeroplane and people cancel his driving test because of ME!
Goosshh so sorry about it ><
promise next time ganti back for you,, haha
anyway happy birthday to my aunty ((:
tonight damn enjoy the party

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Dumxz ♥


[ this is the present we make for her ]

seriously i feel so relax without him now,, okay okay don't talk about the passes,,well~ finally all the stress are gone,, start from now have to think my future ((: maybe i will start my hair course after Silly back from ns

Thursday, March 12, 2009

312 Speechless Day ♥

result is out today
went to Silly's house in the morning
both of us hand made a present for Dumxz
after that her Bf fetch us to school
school have changed, everyone have changed but teacher no changed -.-
once i walk infront of teacher really feel so scare
Aihhs result not so good not so bad
i don't want to mention it anymore ):
don't ask me please
p/s: chee weng you better becareful, i will curse you deeply,, laugh at me right nia sing!
get it already phone to parents Boubou and him
after that Chaoz to Pyramid for celebrate Dumxz's birthday
sing K was good, she was surprise when saw all of us in the K room (:
BBQ was sucks,, no more second time -.-
phone keep on ring rang rung until non-stop
all of my aunties phone me and ask about my result
and the aunty Chee Zhen phone me juga
the only friend phone me is him others is sms me ==
walk until around 6pm back to nearby school for yumcha play ''chor dai di''
sit until around 9pm all going back,, i accompany Silly back by taxi
2 of us like sor poh wait for taxi on the roadside //
it was a tired happy sad day for me
p/s : i don't have the mood to take picture today
no picture to upload here
这段恋情已结束感觉很轻松 (:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Scared + Nervous ♥

13 hours more
is the time we take result
the last day i only feel stress,, so panic =x
everyone ask me how was my feeling now ?
i seems like act so confident tell them i'm not scare not scare
actually i'm scare of it ><
p/s : i won't cry
god bless me tomorrow ((:
all my kakiS is back today
my msn started to be bising (=
yesh i like it
tomorrow no work i more like it,, LOL

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'm So Confuse ♥

1 more day
i'm going back school to take result
tomorrow my son and friends are coming back from ns
bagusnyaaa 3 months so fast over
first batch just come back another bunch of friends are going ns again
aihh i got more friends kena second batch
especially my Silly♥ my him♥
don't know wheather he need to go anot o.O
if they go already left me,, who will accompany me hang out ?
my mind is full of him now

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Not Fair! ♥

what the fuck?
tomorrow is holiday right ?
how comes i still have to work !!
now i rather choose to go school also don't want to work
aihhhsieee ><
i'm waiting the day

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Met Up My Silly ♥

today is the day i met up my Silly,, when working i keep on look at the clock,,
hope that the time can pass faster,, finally 1pm!! walao mood damn goo but on the way going to school meet her raining ,, spoilt my mood! FCUK!
luckily reach already stop raining (: wait after few minutes LayMin is arrive
fetch 2 of us to Midvalley
first have our lunch after that went to Teddy Tales help S.Wei buy present for Dumxz,,
then is time to start our journey [ buy present for Dumxz too* ] haahaa,, our target is Jacket, wallet, handbag, watch and cap -.- went to more then 6 shops didn't get to buy anything pun,, at last we have change our target,, that's blablabla* cannot say here scare she know,, lolz
hope she like it because i first time spend so long time to choose it,, dns when choosing 2 of us keep scold bad words -.- finish our journey at around 8something,, i rush back to my grandpa house for blow water,, yeahh* not late yett ((:
5days day more,, SPM result . . . . . . .
hope that he don't need to go for ns )):
although his kem at Rawang only,, i don't hope also o.O

Friday, March 6, 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

God Bless Me ♥

SPM result coming out soonnn )):
scare whattttt!!
everyone please follow me to say
NEED SCARE D MEH ? wakaka celaka -.-
anyway good luck to those people who having exam right now
aza aza fighting ((:
gambatey CANDY
speciall write for you,, haahaa *

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sorry BouBou ♥

仿 -.-
唠!咯,, ? -.-
sorry that i didn't answer your call
and reply your message in this 2 days
i have my own reason why i didn't pick up your call

Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm Tired Of You ♥

i'm tired of thinking you nowadays
what happen with me and you?
i guess is No but,, but,,,
whose problem now ?
Kelly asked me to phone him first
okay i have listen to her but i seems like not dare to phone him
why huh ? how comes ?
last night keep thinking should i phone him ?
YES NO YES NO in my brain,, Fcuk!
finally i phone him just now (:
*use my dad's phone,, heehee
me : helloooo!! know who am i ?
him : who are you ?
me : really don't know who am i ?
him : don't know lah aiyoo,, tell me who are you
me : how many days u didn't find her ?
him : ohh i know already what happen ?
me : why didn't reply my last message ?
him : ohh i'm not free now chat later.


p/s : i'm gonna to meet my buddies soon
excited happy xDDD!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009