Monday, February 15, 2010

cny Day 2 ♥

here comes to the Day 2 of cny. time really fly damn fast!
on the way . . .
journey of today same as yesterday go out in the morning and home sweet home midnight. but today is little different go all the houses at PJ part. after all headed back to grandma house. is damn noisy of the day, all the noise come my aunty's mouth and my mum, even i at second or third floor i still can hear their voice -.- actually is include me too but i'm not worst like them.

im damn headache today, don't know what is the reason. after taking nap still the same but after dinner i'm fine. lols!

happy of the day cause get to meet the p-e-o-p-l-e during cny and without my expect. go to the same place to chill again. and cause of this i skip gamble with my cousin (:

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